Our team

Dr Ken Steinegger
Specialist in ophthalmology und ophthalmic surgery
In 2010, he started his training to become an eye doctor at the HUG (Hôpitaux Universitaires Genevois) in Geneva, where he stayed for two years. During the following three years, he continued his training at the Jules-Gonin Ophthalmic Hospital in Lausanne. From 2015 to 2017, he was a Senior Doctor at the Centre Ophtalmique de Rive in Geneva. He then worked in canton Bern at the Augenpraxis in Langnau as well as at the Berner Augenklinik in the Lindenhofspital. In 2020, he started working as an independent Ophtalmologist in private practices in canton Vaud. He is particularly interested in ophthalmic surgery (cataract surgery, refractive surgery, eye lid surgery, etc.)
Languages: French, German, English
Training and degrees
2019: FMH Specialist in Ophthalmic surgery
2016: FMH Specialist in Ophthalmology
2016: European Board of Ophthalmology
2010: Medical degree, University of Lausanne (Switzerland)
She carried out her training at the Jules-Gonin Ophtalmic Hospital in Lausanne from 2013-2017. She then joined the eye clinic at the Centre Neuchâtelois d’Ophtalmologie (CNO) until 2018. She was named Senior Doctor at the CNO and stayed there until 2022. From 2018-2023, she also worked at Swiss Eye, Ophthalmology and Glaucoma Centre, in Lausanne. She is particularly interested in the diagnosis and treatment of Glaucoma.
Languages: French, English
Training and degrees
2019: FMH Specialist in Ophthalmology
2018: European Board of Ophthalmology
2011: Medical degree, University of Lausanne (Switzerland)

Dr Lydia Lehmann-Clarke
Specialist in ophthalmology

Lucie De Groote
She completed her training as an optometrist in Olten in 2023. During her studies, she worked as an in-store optician. Her role is to carry out eye examinations, prescriptions for contact lenses and other complementary tests.
Optometrists are trained to perform in-depth eye examinations to assess visual quality, prescribe contact lenses or eyeglasses to correct vision problems, and screen for various eye conditions, thereby contributing to the visual health and well-being of patients.
Languages: French, English
Training and degrees
- 2023: Bachelor’s degree in optometry, FHNW Olten
2019: Optician’s certificate / CFC
With a Baccalauréat Scientifique in 2010, Thomas trained as an optician in Paris between 2010 and 2013. After graduating, he worked in stores in France until 2019, before moving permanently to Switzerland the same year. He worked for various chains as an optician and then store manager before joining the CODL team in May 2024.
Languages: French, English
Training and degrees
- 2010: General Scientific Baccalaureate
- 2013: Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Opticien-Lunetier (Advanced Technician’s Certificate in Optics and Sunglasses)

Thomas Morand

Athèna Gagnebin
She followed her three-year training program (2017-2020) at the Jules-Gonin Ophtalmic Hostpital in Lausanne. She has been working with Dr. Ken Steinegger since February 2021. Her role is to complete orthoptic examinations and further tests.
Very little is known about Orthoptics. A full ophthalmic examination includes an orthoptic assessment, particularly for children. She studies ocular movement as well as how the eyes move together. This examination is essential for patients suffering from strabismus, amblyopia, lack of convergence, etc.
Languages: French, English
Training and degrees
- 2020: ES Orthoptist Degree, Ecole supérieure d’orthoptique de Lausanne
- 2017: Maturity Certificate / Certificat de culture générale, Lycée Denis-de-Rougemont à Neuchâtel
She conducted her apprenticeship as an administrative assistant in Montreux from 2007-2010. In 2012, she completed her commercial Maturity certificate while working in an architectural firm as well as at the municipality of Montreux. Then, from 2013 to 2022, she worked at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne
Languages: French, English
Training and degrees
- 2021: Basic Life Support (BLS)
- 2012: Commercial Maturity / Maturité commerciale
- 2010: Administrative Assistante Certificate / CFC d’employée de commerce

Sarah Vogt
Head of reception and secretariat